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The toughest wrestlers in the world. Able to destroy the opponents with devastating Moves. Augmented damage and attack bonus. Cruiserweight champions are speed class wrestlers. Augmented Initiative and more pinning power.
Lo más duros luchadores en el mundo. Capaz de destruir a los oponentes con movimientos devastadores. Augmented damage and attack bonus. Campeones de peso crucero son de clase velocidad. Esos luchadores son capaces de realizar increibles series de movimientos y tienen una alta posibilidad de esquivar o evadir movimientos del oponente. Iniciativa y poder de conteo aumentados.
Les plus puissants catcheurs du monde. Capable de détruire leurs adversaires avec des prises dévastatrices. Augmented damage and attack bonus. Les champions poids moyens sont des catcheurs de type voltige. Augmented Initiative and more pinning power.
De hardste worstelaar in de wereld. heeft de mogelijk zijn tegenstander tot moes te slaan. De kampioen van het ontduiken en snel toeslaan, is niet de sterkste, maar door zijn wendbaarheid wel een zeer goede worstelaar. Verhoog initatief en meer pinning kracht. De meester van de submissions, kan zijn tegenstander echt pijn laten lijden.
Tu és um wrestler inexperiente que quer fazer carreira no mundo de jogos de wrestling online, após treino árduo irás te tornar num grande lutador, mas serás capaz de combater com os melhores? Ao lutares contra outros wrestlers ganhas experiência e dinheiro, com os quais poderás aprender novos movimentos e melhorar as tuas capacidades para desafiar os melhores em jogos wwe.
Esti doar un jucator de wrestling fara experienta care vrea sa isi faca o cariera in lumea jocurilor de wrestling online, dupa un antrenament greu vei deveni un luptator de temut, dar vei fi tu in stare sa te lupti cu cei mai buni jucatori ai momentului? Luptandu-te cu alti jucatori vei castiga experienta si bani,cu care vei invata si iti vei imbunati noile miscari pentru a putea deveni un campion de-al jocului.
You are just an inexperienced wrestler who wants to make a career in the world of an online wrestling games, after a hard training you will become a great fighter, but will you be able to fight the best in those wrestling games online? By fighting other users you wil gain experience and money, with which you will be able to learn new moves and improve your skills to challenge the best champions in the wwe games.
You are just an inexperienced wrestler who wants to make a career in the world of an online wrestling games, after a hard training you will become a great fighter, but will you be able to fight the best in those wrestling games online? By fighting other users you wil gain experience and money, with which you will be able to learn new moves and improve your skills to challenge the best champions in the wwe games.
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